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Adult Protective Services


Adult Protective Services restores the dignity and safety of adults with disabilities ages 18 to 59, and people over the age of 60 who find themselves victims of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or financial exploitation and may have few resources to change their situation and protect themselves.


NSSC provides Adult Protective Services to residents in the townships of Barrington, Maine, New Trier, Northfield, Palatine, and Wheeling, investigating more than 460 cases annually, with financial exploitation being the most reported type of abuse. All services are confidential and provided at no cost.

For more information about protective services for older adults and adults with disabilities, call NSSC at 847.784.6000, email us at aps@nssc.org, or call the State of Illinois Adult Protective Services Hotline at 866.800.1409. All reports are handled with strict confidentiality.